I have been a bad, bad extreme couponer. Working, house hunting, and jet setting to Vegas has made it challenging to find any time for couponing! (I know, my life is so hard). Luckily, we've been so well stocked that it hasn't really been a problem. But after a
nice crazy weekend in sin city, I need to replace a few thing so I'm hitting the sales at CVS. And, as our faithful readers (all 12 of you?) I wanted to give you a heads up on a few good deals going down this week through Saturday that make a few things
almost free or at least really cheap. Everyone loves a deal, especially if you've only got $20 in your pocket. Alright, let's pop some tags!

Physicians Formula make-up is amazing and has so many organic products. In fact, I'm wearing their organic mascara right now! This week if you spend $14, you get $10 in Extrabucks back which is like paying $4. Plus, there was a coupon for $1 off a few weeks back that if you still have makes the transaction extra magical.

I have been waiting for a CVS Purex sale for so long and it has finally come! Both the detergent and the gel packs are on sale for $2.88 and there's an instant $1 off coupon at the coupon machine. Plus, if you're like me, you've stock piled manufacturer's coupons for $1 off and will be scoring two of these for 88 cents each (between myself and Nate, my faithful couponing assistant).

Everyone loves minty fresh breath and Listerine mouthwash or Reach floss is on sale for $3.99 with $1 back in Extrabucks. Coupons for both of these products are everywhere, including online usually so you can definitely save an extra $1 which makes it like you paid $1.99.

Now despite spring being upon us, a weekend in Vegas casinos has brought on some serious sore throats in our household. Luckily, we can score two packages of Halls cough drops for $3 with $1 back in Extrabucks. Don't worry, I've got another $1 off coupon which is like paying $1 for two or 50 cents each! Goodbye tickle!
For those of you who may have picked up a few habits from me in the past, you should definitely combine these great deals with Extrabucks you already have!
Remember, Extrabucks never expire! And always scan your bag tag because every 4 scans is another $1 in your pocket. If anyone is ready for the advanced course, do separate transactions so you can pay for the next with the Extrabucks you get back. You might be able to get all of this (and then some) for free! I've had $9 in Extrabucks burning a hole in my coupon folder and I'm ready: Look for my update later this week after I shop. In the meantime, I'd love to hear how everyone else's shopping goes. Happy couponing!